Monday, June 27, 2011

NorthShore Success.

Entry into the 2011 NorthShore Salon of photography has netted me a Gold Medal for Open Colour Prints. Last years comp saw a silver medal come my way so the Gold was a definite goal for 2011. The image below was the winning image and is a statement about conservation. This was part of a small series as part of the "Birds A Plenty Festival" exhibition here at the Whakatane Museum Gallery. The inspiration was the story of the Huia (now extinct) and a passage I read from Perrine Moncrieff, an old time conservationist

"One feels inclined to write an indignant protest at the ghastly manner in which lovely birds have been twisted into grotesque shapes to adorn women throughout the ages...
For every bird killed to provide warmth, hundreds have been slain merely to trim dresses , or worse still, stuck on hats".

This image is also part of the Birds A Plenty" collection and received Hounors.

I am stoked with the results this year and have to thank the model "Tasha" for the stunning look she gives to each image she contributes to.

Montys Revenge

Whakatane is an outdoors mans mecca so it makes perfect sense that there will be plenty of well attended and respected events that celebrate our unique environment.

Motys is a fantastic event and a joy to shoot.

Unfortunately not all photographers were able to enjoy that day as much as I did with this unlucky shooter stuck on the side of the road after attempting a U turn and this culvert kind of snuck up on him.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Walking the Walk in Kawerau

Kawerau, a town with a bad rap. With all the negativity in the press, Kawerau proved it has what it takes to WOW and impress. The youth fashion show is a case in point where those who sat beneath the bright lights and streaming lasers had nothing but great things to say about Kawerau and the organisers of this fantastic event. I am sure there are a few who kicked themselves for missing out but hey, you will have to wait till next year. In the mean time here are a few pics to keep you going.

Sadler having a go. Great Job.



Monday, June 13, 2011

A place to rest and create.

Small rural New Zealand towns have little photographic gems in tucked away corners. Strolling through these places can never be described as an experience that affords a sense of comfort. After all as we amber past row after row of granite and stone arranged in measured uniform rows, no one wants to be reminded of our own mortality, the final resting pace. Our unconscious is constantly drawing comparisons with living experiences and our perception of nothingness is a state we cannot comprehend. With this in mind, a cemetery would hardly rate at the top of ones list of locations to make great photographs.

Photos never capture the present, only the past, the same also applies to our communal resting places so making pictures in a cemetery seems strangely apt. There a stories to be told, lives to reflect upon and memories to be had each carved into stone. Seek out the old and the majestic and shoot with respect.