Monday, July 23, 2012

Medal Success.

2012 North Shore Salon of Photography sees a Silver medal and a highly commended come my way.

Many thanks to all involved including the model, Hannah.

It has been an eye opener placing my pictures under the eye of a judge and / or the general public to view, comment and critique. Photography for me involves burning the creative candle, pouring over ideas and concepts then mixing them with my own experiences with a view to capturing the completed image in my mind long before its actually made. There is a lot of me mixed into every image I create, maybe more than I realise so my work can be a deeply personal process and I do have a strong connection to each piece. Making the decision to put these pictures out there for the first time can be daunting for some, it certainly was for me.

Making the awards scene a source of self glorification is not what its all about for me (although to win is cool), I gain plenty from just mealy creating. Gaining an award is a not'only just a method by which I can  market myself but is also a way of measuring where I am in the big wide world of photography, seeing who's doing what and where.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Stop The Press


               A Print Press Room, a Model and a Camera. A great was to spend a Sunday I reckon.

                                           Many thanks to Casey (Model) and Alice (makeup).

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Nga Haerenga “the journey’s”

I have recently been charged with the task of capturing some images for the Opotiki District Council with the aim to promote the areas as a mountain bikes paradise. Now this was and is an assignment close to my heart as I happen to love all things Mountain Bike. I began pounding the trails in the Tarawera back in the late 80s before some genius invented suspension which not only gave added traction and efficiency but softened the pounding the body took when flying down a mountain at speed. I have been well aware of the off road opportunities to be had in Opotiki so took this as a chance to see what all the fuss was about.

All this is part of the national cycle trail but the locals here are keen to let all who ride know that this is just the beginning. You can take a leisurely ride on the 19km scenic/beach trail or for the hardened trail beast theirs a 91km loop tail.

The scenery is breath taking, the trails well manicured so I can't wait to get down and dirty during my next assignment riding and photographing the Otipi track.

And then there as three.

 I must admit to not receiving to many requests to photograph couples waiting for there first child which is unfortunate because I do enjoy photographing them. After all its the creation of life itself, the start of not just a new family but a personality, an individual waiting for new experiences, grow family's of there own and touch the lives they all who share.