Every Body, Meet Dylan.

This little fella is tough as old boots. During the shoot, he had a rather nasty tumble and with only a minute of tears was back into it boots and all (see above haha). This little man was all over the place, so the best strategy with kids is to present them with things of interest, encourage parental input as much as possible but after that, its all up to chance.
The last image inspired me. It took me back to my own childhood with old colour snaps taken in the late 60s, myself bottle feeding my pet lamb, wearing leather sandals, stubby shorts and an oversize woolen jumper topping a rather unique collection of ill-fitting country-ware. I remember those pics well with rounded corners, subdued colours and a slight cross processed appearance.
Life as a kid in NZ was a great experience (as I am sure Dylan will testify to when he's my age). With an over active imagination and a tonne of energy, I was off in all directions exploring. Any new environment had to be checked out thoroughly. Even to this day I seem to have managed to keep my over active imagination which I am sure helps me maintain a good sense of humor and creativity my photography. I will have a dig around and see if I can find and scan a few of those old pics to post here.
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