Yes it's been a while since my last post and yes I am still alive.
Recently I attended a meeting of local emergency, police and council personal for discussion on a strategy aimed at combating youth drink driving. The police liaison officer had a bit of trouble putting his feelings into words so he placed a chair in the middle of the floor and asked "What is This?" and the reply came back "An Empty Chair". This prompted me to shoot a project, creating a series of pictures based on the personal loss of a loved one. The challenge is to capture a series of pictures depicting the emotion the pain, the effects of time on the healing process and the memories associated with those love ones lost.
As it turns out this is proving to be a bit of a challenge. Trawling through the emotions of past experiences seems to do nothing but yield memories highlighting the confusion of thought at the time. The eyes were open but I saw nothing as the mind struggled to come to terms with what had happened.
The project is well underway but unfortunately I can not share any of these pictures until the project is finished but there will inevitably be a few extra pictures made along the way and the picture below is one such extra.

I cant help but think images reflecting such a serious subject warrant pictures more down to earth, raw and truthful. I wouldn't expect images like that.
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