Friday, January 29, 2010

The Covers Are Off

The Covers are off and the moment of truth has arrived. After two years of working on this project I have finally managed to get 6 pieces into a public exhibition. This is the first time I have really had one of my personal projects displayed in public but I am sure I am not the first photographer to feel a few opening night nerves on there first showing. For any one out there who can get to the Whakatane War Memorial hall complex, I welcome your feed back on what has been a fun and enlightening journey to create a series designed to capture some elements of the human condition.

So here is the first three.

One I was told "If you want to succeed, never give up" well it didn't take me Long to realise that although this may sound like good advise the key is to know when to give up. The watering of box thorn, (a flower long gone) is a waste of time and energy so be aware, pull back now and then, reassess then try a different direction.

If there's one thing that fascinates me its youth. I had a fantastic childhood with not a care in the world and time just didn't matter. I believe that even at my age I still have more child within me that adult so thought it appropriate to highlight the promise of youth in the above image.

In our lives one of the lessons we all have to learn I (some take longer than others) is that there are consequences to all of our actions no matter how small. What better way to illustrate this that to photograph a scene reminiscent of the tale of Adam and Eve but with a slight modern twist.

Next Three coming soon.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Its That Time Of Year Again.

Well its that time of year again, the birds are singing, the suns shinning and love is in the air. Yes you guessed, its the wedding season. Beautiful brides and handsome grooms can be seen gracing local roads, beaches, parks and hilltops.

Weddings are fantastic. Its such an amazing moment shared between a couple there family and friends. To be asked to record those moments in pictures is really an honour that shouldn't be taken for granted.

The Game Is On.

Yes people, as mentioned before, my butt is in the hot seat so if my start to the new year is anything to go by, I'm in for a wild ride.

So I kicked things off with two biggies, the Summer X and the Opotiki Rodeo but hey, you've got to love it. The deafening noise, the chocking dust (finding its way into every unprotected camera part) the heaving crowds, it all make for a noisy, dirty series of fantastic pictures.

These are two events I love to cover and the crowds flock to them every year. Despite the extensive de-dusting exercise on all of my equipment and myself plus the sunburn, I get a kick out of checking out the pics on my PC and sharing the results.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Temperatures Rising.

Well as you all may have heard, the Beacon is now minus another photographer leaving me here on my own. So far so good with only a couple of really insane days to deal with. This may be generally our slow period as far as news goes but the past two weeks has been the exception with 4 fires a couple of road crashes and a train derailment.

So I guess this will make for a rather interesting environment when this really hot up around here.
Its not going to be easy but am looking forward to the challenge.