The above image I saw driving down the service lane behind Whakatane Pack n Save and there it was, wire with a flash of graffiti behind it. Now I have a real bad habit of saying "wow check that out" and driving straight past but not this time (great to have my ass in check). Its a classic example of an eye forming an image in the mind even if it was a split second. This is something I would have previously just driven past. Its great, it deepens ones appreciation for everything.
And then there's light, oh wonderful light. The most mundane object takes on a new life when just the right type and quality of light baths it with all its glory. Andris Apse is a master of patience. This is a man who will go to extraordinary lengths access a location and then he will wait. If after say a week the light is not right he will pack up and go home without shooting a single frame only to go back sometime later and try again.
One day I sat out on my deck looking out over the grass laden fields, watching a sea of greens and browns waving in the evening breeze (romantic aye). I sat there looking out at a picture my mind had already taken when that late afternoon light changed and the whole area came to life with amazing vibrant colour. I had everything set up by then except my unsuspecting partner who was busy indoors carving up a pumpkin for dinner. She was suddenly dragged outside and over the fence fighting every step of the way to a prepared spot in the long grass. I thrust a paint brush in her hand, blurted out a few instructions and ran for the camera.

And here it is. I love this pic and yes I am biased. Mandy is an artist so I had to create an image that would tell the world all about her. To me the composition may not be perfect but in this case I dont care as she is now a part of me. This image is a few years old now but for me it was a reminder of just how important light is. With photography, it starts and ends with light. Get a handle on how it works and how to manipulate it and you half way there.
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