Using flashguns as mini studio lighting can really help open up the creative possibilities for those left wanting for more. Its a good way to learn the basic setups required for real studio lighting and you will have a blast in the process. There are a mass of accessories available for flashguns these days such as diffusers, barn doors, soft boxes, snoots and honeycomb grids to name a few. I still believe good old natural daylight is the best but it can be rather inconstant at times so mixing it with some of the artificial stuff never hurts.
A decent home made snoot (spot lighting) is to roll up some card and tape it to you flash gun. You can vary the length the vary the effect and even cut up a heap of straws to about 25mm lengths and glue them into the end of your snoot to mimic a honey comb or grid effect. Making the straws longer will enhance the effect. For the financially starved among us you don't have to spend mega dollars on top end studio gear to get great images.

The above blog link is a endless source of info to satisfy the strobist in all of us.
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