Well things are now moving along rather nicely with only one image left to take for the summer arts festival so its panic over for now. Last weekend saw the completion of a picture which had presented itself to me almost 18months ago now when traveling out towards Taneatua to visit my sister. I spied this old chimney standing majestically under a macrocarpa tree. It makes one wonder what its history is and who spent time on many a cold winter night drawing warmth and comfort form its glowing embers. A scout around by my partner produced an old tap that was attached to a cast iron plate, maybe an old water heater. A dirty fork, an old light bulb, rather small and an unusual shape encased by a ceramic surround which by some miracle has managed to survive years without the hoof of a cow smashing its delicate surface.
This place gives birth to many photographic possibilities, with a few spending many an hour being churned and manipulated by my overactive imagination. At one stage I made the effort to drive to Wellington to pick up an old mahogany occasional table I had bought off trademe as a prop for the picture I thought my mind had settled on but after 6 more months and a new idea now in flavor the table now occupies a corner of my lounge gathering dust.
I felt the need to not only create a great image that tells my story but also to do this old chimney justice and maybe give it the opportunity to tell its own story. Tricky as that may seem, I feel I have managed to achieve just that.
While I cant show you the finished picture complete with chimney, I can introduce you to the model who graces the image. She's a natural beauty who has been waiting just as long to take her place in the picture as I have been to take it. I suppose the only two things that have never changed over the past 18 months is the location and my choice of model. Many thanks Michelle for being so waiting so long.
Places like this are full of creative possibilities just waiting to be tapped into. I have been made aware a few times in the past of a poor few suffering from some creative block or a lack of inspiration and I have a small fear of falling into that abyss. I don't see this happening any time soon but there are those who do. I read a fantastic article from one of NZs current photographic greats "Tony Bridge" who wrote about just such a thing. It seems to have strengthened my current position but for those either on the top or bottom of the abyss, its a must read. (refer to the above link) We have to feed the creative mind in order to grow but sometimes its just a case (as with the chimney site) of not trying to over think an idea but to just sit and listen. It wont take long for your surroundings to give you all the inspiration you need.
Most of us including me could be accused of taking our creative juices for granted. Following Tony's advise and re-reading over again and again from time to time will not only help us to keep fresh but remain relevant in an ever changing world.
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