Anyway, I have spent some time planning and collecting material, clothing and location scouting for up and coming shoots with the big deadline looming. With 7-8 wks left to finalise a collection of at least 6 A2 size prints I am beginning to think I may not quite get them done so I was not to happy to think I was going to have to omit my latest creation from the exhibition. This is surely going to leave me in a rather tight spot time wise so I will have to fire on all cylinders.

The above image is the picture in question. I am showing you this because it's no longer intended for showing in the summer arts festival (all others will remain under wraps till then)
Whats wrong with it you ask?? well firstly its not really going to fit within the image set. It stands out to much, is to strong and with art being as subjective as it is, could lead to some rather negative and harsh interpretations as to what its all about.
This image would need to much explanation for the viewer to understand where I am coming from and by the time that's done, ones mind may have already taken it to literally. That's just what people do with photography,and yes that is ever so slowly changing. In the grand scheme of things the art of painting has a very long, bright and interesting history where as the art of photography is still a child just sometimes with a mature voice crying to be herd.
This image is not meant to portray a violent act or to depict the end of a life, its about the restrictions we put on ourselves, we become tied and dependent on our physical and mental comfort zones, come to beleive we cannot when we can. One cannot hope to succeed in less we break away from our self imposed bindings then push to challenge ourselves. This image is the tragedy of succumbing to normality, contentment and in the end, leaving this world without finding out who we really were or what we could have done.
Deep aye.
I realise this interpretation may be to deeply embedded within this picture. At the end of the day is this just a photograph? and if it is, can we see past what lies in front of us?
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